miche.poetry: Dr Gwee's Complete Smart Cat - Part II

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dr Gwee's Complete Smart Cat - Part II

Let Lecturer and Student do justice to learning on EN4222 together!
Let Dr Gwee and his students approach the Ark of their Examination with great clarity of mind!
Let Celina who presented on Swift still remember what she said about Swift!
Let Jun who also presented on Swift make points as good as her yummy latte!
Let Jemima who presented on Thomson continue to work exemplarily!
Let Ying Yi who presented on Thomson venerate her plow too!
Let Sylvia who presented on Pope remember not to rely on one critic alone!
Let Cheryl who presented on Pope share with her friend Sylvia who sits just next to her every week!
Let Janice who presented on Akenside, and sits next to Siew Wei weekly, be the sublime!
Let Siew Wei who presented on Akenside, like Janice, be the wonderful!
Let Mandy, the third of the sister-graces, remain the fair!
Let Ann who presented on Johnson be heard with care as she does have many good moments!
Let Julius who presented on Johnson show up for class more -- this being the want of he who wants nothing!
Let Jean who presented on Smart type away on her laptop so long as she contributes to our discussion!
Let Meiji who presented on Smart not be associated in my mind with "contradictory impulses"!
Let Sheena who presented on Smart consider her work seriously!
Let Hong Peng present on Barbauld and be in the front of the class for once!
Let Christine present on Barbauld and not look as worried as she usually does!
Let Elizabeth present on Cowper and delight us with her spontaneous insights!
Let Michelle present on Cowper and share with her strong confident voice!
Let Yisa then present on Cowper without referring to Lacanian Law!
Let Hongyi present on Blake without referring to September 11!
Let Gladys present on Blake as only she can and that, too, is cryptic!
Let Jiahui present on Blake and remember to present this time!

Dr. Gwee wrote the previous one for the honours corhort last year. this one is dedicated to my class. hahahah...


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